The Comic Con Blogger's Bag

The week of Comic Con will be crazy, make sure you have all the essential tools and supplies need to survive. Make sure you are ready for Comic Con. I know I am! Here's what I bring with me.

Hearthstone: State of the Game

Hello everyone, Happy Mid June! Today, I'd like to discuss the recent changes in Hearthstone, my current favorite game.

Hearthstone has recently created two formats, Standard and Wild. Standard will include the last two years of cards and Wild will include all the cards available. In addition, there were changes to a number of cards from the Classic set. This affects both formats but today we'll be talking about Standard.

Let's start with the changes to the Classic set. According to the Hearthstone developers, in order to balance the game going forward there would be a power adjustment to the following cards:
Ancient of Lore, Force of Nature, Keeper of the Grove, Big Game Hunter, Ironbeak Owl, Hunter's Mark, Blade Flurry, Knife Juggler, Leper Gnome, Arcane Golem, Molten Giant, Master of Disguise.

While I could probably drone on about all of these I'd rather share a few of my thoughts on the recent changes and be done with it. So here goes!

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